Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Two Posts In a Row

Since I took an extra day off of work, I thought I would go ahead and do another quick post. I was just surfing the web and realized that the Gay Appreciation Awards will be allowing on-line voting June 9-15. There are just a couple of categories I am going to vote on: bartender of the year and entertainer of the year. I definitely would love to see Coca get entertainer of the year and Will as bartender of the year. If you are so inclined, please take the time and cast a vote. I will try to post again closer to time to remind everyone. Other than that, I think I am going to have to go to the doctor. My left rib cage is hurting really bad now and I want to make sure I didn't fracture anything. Although if memory serves there isn't much they can do for it anyway.


  1. It still doesn't hurt to have a doctor look at it, just in case. Ya know I wince everytime I see you wince. Feelin your pain, darling!!!

  2. I know darling. I will call tomorrow.
