Tuesday, December 15, 2009


I realize that one of the reasons I stopped blogging is because people tend to irritate the piss out of me sometimes. I just don't understand how conflict occurs. If you do not like them just don't talk to them, why does it have to be drama? I accept the fact that some people hate me...I am ok with that. I was not put here on this planet to entertain people, just help where I can. Which is what I try to do.


  1. Some people are just pricks and thrive on causing discontent. Forget about them and do that voodoo that you do so well, doll. ;-)

  2. Wow! What happened after I left the bar? Must have been something...who could possibly hate you, CuddleBear? You must be mistaken.

  3. Who's upset you? Let me at 'em. Let me at 'em!!!

    I'm the only one allowed to piss you off and when I do you know I do it out of love!!!! Everyone else better back off or answer to ZsaZsa d'LaHor and her extra long and real fingernails.

  4. Well, I didn't want to mention this, but I had a bad experience the last time I went (there) out at night ... Seems we can't do anything right anymore.

    PS - I find you immensely entertaining.
