Last night, Will and I went to a play at the Theater West Virginia. It is a fascinating outdoor theater that was initially founded in 1955. The play we saw was Honey in the Rock (first performed at the theater in 1961). The play is really about how West Virginia came into existence during the Civil War. I enjoyed the play but do have to admit there were a couple of things that stuck-out in my mind, some good, some not so much. First, I will say, I have never seen a play with such an enormous cast (total count was 60 on the stage at one time, a staging nightmare I imagine). There were a few lighting and sound issues which I am quick to dismiss as it is an outdoor theater and the actors were able to project nicely their voices across the audience. There were several very powerfully staged scenes, the one that sticks-out most is were the families are placing a series of simple white crosses on the stage, morning their losses. But there was also an element of slap-stick comedy that I feel really took-away from the play. I understand the play was written to be entertaining to a wide range of ages, but the story and the history were sufficient to carry the play in my opinion. The other thing that bothered me slightly is that the play oozed of state propaganda. Now being from Texas I have no right to say anything about state pride. I know Texans are the worst about this, but the play was very WEST VIRGINIA and anti-virginia. Ultimately, there were many economic and social issues that brought about the division of the state and was not because West Virginians had a moral objection to slavery necessarily. They also portrayed East Virginians as all being snooty arrogant elitists. I am not sure I agree with the way the play perpetuates this view point. All in all, I very much enjoyed the play and do recommend it if you get the chance. Just accept that it is what it is.
Otherwise, I am having a good time here in the mountains. Will had to work a double today so I went for a nice little walk around Will's property and I have a great photo I took of a rabbit. The little thing let me get less than 4 feet from it. I also took lots of pictures of the property. They will be forth-coming. Tomorrow, the state fair! Mmmm, corndogs......
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