Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And they say there aren't vampires in New Orleans.

I figured it up and I believe they have now taken 26 vials of blood from me. They have also injected me four times with the anti-coagulant stuff and stuck me altogether 9 times. But I also just got to place my order for food tomorrow, I am not sure if the servers here know something I do not but she did say it will delete if I do go home. I love how they are all so vague about how long I am going to be here and I really hope they understand that even with insurance my co-pay is $500 per day. I also find it creepy that the nurses are having to track my bowl movements. The poor man I am sharing a room with is older and hard of hearing suffering from abdominal pain and the nurse has used every possible slang to see if he has had a bowl movement or not but doesn't seem to understand. Keep in mind, this is really the first time I have ever stayed in the hospital and this is truly a bizarre experience. Oh well, Top Chef Masters is on so it isn't so bad hehehe


  1. Top Chef AND bowel movement monitoring? Look at it as a vacation.

  2. as much as i love you, i don't care about your movements.
