Wednesday, October 21, 2009


This is going to be a nasty negative blog, so just be warned. I have dedicated my life to my job which I think I do well. I will not go into detail but I am really upset that after three years in this position, I now have a mark on my record from a poor employee that doesn't do her job to par. Seriously. With this two directors were fired last week and I know I don't have a title close to that. I have to ask what is going on and why do I need this right now after just getting out of the hospital? I believe the Universe challenges us to make us better but I need a break. I am feeling so worn and tired right now. I just don't know what to do. AND on top of this, I didn't even realize it was Wednesday till I saw Top Chef was on tonight. My stability is gone at this point.


  1. sorry work is sucking. so i know you won't post it here, but WHO is the bad employee?

  2. Hey....sorry things suck. Well, SOME things that suck are great,but not others. Missed you at the bar the other night. I guess you had just left. Take care of you and hope to see you soon.

  3. oh you and me both brother. i need to exit the llc and cafe as things have soured. oh boy.
